The Connect ZBT-1 ships with a full-fledged Zigbee firmware. At this point, there are no known issues with the factory-flashed firmware.
The Nabu Casa team works on integrating firmware updates for Connect ZBT-1 straight from Home Assistant. There will be update notifications for Connect ZBT-1 just like any other updates supported Home Assistant. If you have a working Zigbee or Thread setup today, don't update right now. It is recommended to wait until the new update system lands sometime early 2025.
Reflashing the Connect ZBT-1
Note: Home Assistant SkyConnect and Connect ZBT-1 use the same firmware. You can use the same firmware update process for both devices.
If you must reflash your ZBT-1 today, the following options are available:
- For Thread: The OpenThread Border Router add-on flashes the Thread firmware on startup. You can verify the add-on logs to see the output of the firmware check or potential firmware update.
- For Zigbee: You can use the Silicon Labs Flasher add-on. The add-on will flash the Connect ZBT-1 and stop right after. Before starting the add-on:
- Disable the Zigbee Home Automation integration or any add-on which might use the Connect ZBT-1 at point of flashing
- Start the add-on
Reflash using the Silicon Labs Web Flasher
Firmware update through web flasher is only available for Home Assistant SkyConnect devices and Home Assistant ZBT-1 devices purchased after October 20, 2024.
If your Home Assistant installation has no add-ons available, you can use the web-flasher below to install the latest firmware version for Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1 directly from your browser over USB. Plug-in your Connect ZBT-1 to your computer and select the firmware version you want to install.
To read more about the SL Web Tools, refer to this blog post.